Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Session is over for me

Last night was my last session meeting for my term. It has been a long 6 years. When I started I was jumping from job to job after being laid off, and now I have a nice stable job with UWMC. 6 years ago our church had a pastor, associate pastors, and were gearing up for a major addition to our building. Now that addition is completed, we even re-modeled some other areas, our pastor left, we hired an interim and are in the process of searching for a new permanent pastor.

I've also learned a ton, about our church history, both good and bad, about some of the people in our church, both those i've served on session with, and through their eyes others, and about myself and my relationship with god. Its solidified some beleifs i was noodling around in my brain before.

All in all it was well worth it, but it will be nice to be off for a while and just be an average church member, not having to decide the path of the church.

1 comment:

miss plum said...

job well done, sir - rest well deserved.