Friday, January 9, 2009

Facebook changes society


Pre-Facebook Myspace and other social networking sites, many people had silos of friends that for the most part didn't interact. Work friends, school friends, family, church friends, gym friends, etc. Sure they might meet sometimes, but by and large they remain seperate.

But now social networking sites are mixing them. Its not immediate, people still tend to stick to their silo, but the lines are bluring, reducing the degrees of seperation.

Is this good or bad? Dunno, I tend to go with a little of both. Any tool that brings people closer together is good I think, and these sites definatly do that. Even if that closeness can sometimes be painful ("you like that person, i can't be your friend any more") but in the long run, they can help promote communication, and thats always healthy.

Anyway, thats just a ponderable, a quick thing to think.

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