Friday, January 2, 2009

Holiday Snow

Holiday's are come and gone. We had mondo snow storm here in Seattle. Over a week of snow and below freezing temperatures. I don't ever remember it being so cold and snowy for so long. A day or two mayb, 3 if were lucky, but 9 days, crazy. But as much as the city grumbled, half about the snow, and half about how "those people" reacted to the snow, we survived. Another step completed in our traning for the Zombie Apocolypse. Seattle will be ready.
While I had the forsight to take the snow week off as vacation months ago, I had planned to spend it at Cama Beach, not at home. But they had even more snow then I did, even if I could have manged to somehow get my Mini out of the driveway and onto the freeway. So they canceled my reservation and gave me a refund. Another day. Also decided to stay at home for Christmass and wait till the weekend, when the roads were a little better to head up to my parents. It worked out well, one of the benefits of being an adult is you can wait a few days for presents and not freak out.
Anyway.. the new year. what to do. Mostly I'm happy. I could make resolutions, but I know I wouldnt' stick with them, no self dicipline for that kind of thing. Defeatist? maybe. But I prefer to think of it as knowing and accepting my weaknesses. I'd rather make efforts to improve things when the mood strikes me sometime in the year, rahter then try to force myself to get motivated on this one day.


miss plum said...

i'll try not to bake shit and leave it at your house.

PS:there are (were) 2 cartons of icecream in your freezer. i meant to pour baileys on it, but i forgot.

Leena said...

we could've given you a ride up to Camano on the 24th when we visited my parents. ;) I don't do the resolutions thing either. Happy New Year!